Another obvious one in my opinion but this is something people consistently fail to do over the long term.
Being active and providing regular value will make people want to connect with you. There is little point in connecting with someone who never seems to be on LinkedIn.
But it’s not just about posting any old rubbish on a daily basis. As well as consistency you need to share thing that are going to be of value to your target audience. This can be articles you’ve written yourself, or ones you’ve found and have an opinion on. It can even be as simple as asking a question or a quick thought or tip.
The key to creating good content is to always ask the question; is this valuable to someone I want to do business with? If the answer is generally yes, then you are on the right track.
Promising yourself to post on LinkedIn every day usually works for a few weeks before life starts to get in the way and you forget. So how do you keep up that consistency?
If you have time to create content in big batches, you can use a scheduling platform such as
Hootsuite to schedule up posts weeks or months in advance. This means one day of effort can give you a stream of posts for many weeks if you do it right.
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3. Endorse others to get endorsement